4G’s to Success

An Oklahoma Baptist University graduate twenty-five years ago, Adam Deem, became a successful businessman and financial advisor for Teak Tree, a business that he and his partner started together. He began his talk by showing a video from the first business he opened, a coffee shop (Deem’s Bean Scene). When we think of 4G, we probably first think of a cellular device or computer. However, Mr. Deem presented something that is more than just an iPhone. He spoke about Gratitude, Generosity, Growth, and God, the 4 G’s that he stresses are critical to a successful business.

Mr. Deem explained that gratitude, giving thanks back to the people who have helped you or the people who have served you, is important, especially when it comes to thanking the people, mainly our parents, who got us students here to OBU. He feels that this is a special place (OBU), as many students here today feel about OBU. When speaking about all of the people who have influenced him along the way, Mr. Deem became emotional when he spoke about Dr. Reeder, a Professor who influenced him in a tremendous way.

Because they can change a person’s life, Mr. Deem expressed the importance of personal connections. The relationships one builds with even random individuals can change his or her life. One will never know if the next person he or she talks to is a future boss or not. He told a story about a man named Benny, who was struggling and going through a really tough time in his life. Benny was injured and eventually got waived from having to work and received Medicare benefits. The generosity that he showed Benny is the kind of generosity that is shared by a good Christian man. Mr. Deem showed generosity to Benny by paying his rent and paying for his groceries in a time that Benny might go homeless. After persistence and love, Benny was able to get back on his feet, thanks to Adam.

Mr. Deem explained that there is always an opportunity for “Growth.” He cautioned that “wanting to win can make [a person] throw out [his or her] principles.” Numerous times in his talk, Mr. Deem encouraged students to “seek God’s guidance in all [their] decisions.” Through Growth, Mr. Deem articulated, one will seek God’s guidance more and more throughout his or her life. He stressed that growth in Christ is crucial in making decisions that seem to be confusing or tough. After time passes, a businessman can realize and see good character in people, which translates to hiring future employees. Mr. Deem makes future plans out to three years, and lets the rest take care of itself. Mr. Deem’s business grew to four times its size at one point.

The last G and the most important is God. Mr. Deem is a great Christian man. The values that he presented and shared that were instilled in him at a young age, are values similar to what I share. Mr. Deem has gone through many struggles in starting his coffee shop along with Teak Tree. God is the most important piece in Mr. Deem’s life, and God has jump forwarded a lot of his success in business. Mr. Deem was asked a number of questions at the end of his speech. Some of the questions included the following: “How do you begin to start a business?” and “How do you make connections with all of your customers?” All of his answers to these questions were faith through Jesus Christ.